International cooperation between Terni and the Chinese province of Fujian on medical research, technologies and surgery

Prof. Chang-Ming Huang’s visit to start projects and perform surgeries live from the Terni hospital.

The 29th edition of the International Congress of Digestive System Surgery will take place on 29-30 November 2018 and will have the “Auditorium del Massimo” in Rome, from which direct links will be managed with the operating theaters of centers of excellence. Italian and foreign.
On the occasion of this event, Prof. Amilcare Parisi invited Prof. Chang-Ming Huang of the University of Fujian to Terni with whom the S.C. of Digestive Surgery of Terni has been collaborating for years in the multi-center research project on stomach cancer “IMIGASTRIC”.
Prof. Huang is one of the world’s leading experts in gastric cancer, a renowned surgeon with an impressive series of more than 1,200 surgeries performed every year for stomach cancer, author of publications and books on medical-scientific subjects with particular reference to the use of technologies minimally invasive in surgery, he is a member of the international research bodies on tumors of the digestive system.
The presence of a character of great importance as Prof. Huang is a sign of great esteem and recognition for the great efforts, dedication and incessant activity carried out by Prof. Parisi in recent years in order to create a cancer center in Terni of excellence and reference for the treatment and treatment of tumors of the digestive system, with particular attention paid to that stomach cancer which is still among the greatest challenges for the high incidence and mortality in the world.
The S.C. of Digestive Surgery, directed by Prof. Amilcare Parisi, is at the forefront in this context for the possibility of offering the patient radical treatments with advanced robotic techniques.

Prof. Chaohui Zheng and Prof. Qiyue Chen from the city of Fuzhou, a significant economic and political center of south-eastern China with 8 million inhabitants, will also be part of the Chinese delegation.
The program of the visit includes a meeting with local institutions and the press at the Council Chamber of the Municipality of Terni on November 28th at 11:30 at which the Mayor Avv. Leonardo Latini and the Deputy Mayor Dott. Andrea Giuli will also intervene. , Prof. Amilcare Parisi Director of the SC of Digestive Surgery and Prof. Sergio Bracarda Director of the S.C. of Oncology of the Terni Hospital.
Afterwards, in the afternoon, several meetings will take place with the surgical staff of Prof. Parisi and the multidisciplinary oncological group coordinated by Prof. Bracarda to discuss the future prospects of cooperation and development in the research studies already underway and those under definition. Moreover, it will be announced that just starting from the beginning of 2019 two Chinese researchers of the group of Prof. Huang will be directly involved in conducting clinical trials at the Hospital of Terni for a period of 6 months.
At the end of the meetings, the briefing will take place with the staff of the operating theater in preparation for the surgical interventions scheduled on the 29th of November. In fact, Prof. Huang together with Prof. Parisi and their respective teams will perform two interventions for stomach cancer using innovative approaches of minimally invasive surgery. Everything can also be followed via streaming through the online platform (Italian-Chinese channel No. 6).
The following day, the surgical teams of Prof. Huang and Parisi will go to Rome where they will comment on other surgical interventions and will participate in the congress works at the Auditorium Del Massimo.
This event not only confirms the increasingly international propensity in the field of medical-technological research of the Hospital of Terni, will be an opportunity and a great opportunity for the whole city to forge relations with China, strategic partner not only economic but nowadays also avant-garde in the technological and medical-scientific field.